KSK has always forged ahead with its own in-house developments, focusing on product development, production technologies and manufacturing methods. We continue to create new value through new products, new methods and new technologies.

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It is people who operate machines and assess quality. KSK has always focused on employees rather than technology. All the products we create are imbued with our spirit of 'creation based on intelligence and the five senses', as well as our Kaizen skills.

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Employees capable of detecting waste (muda) and overstrain (muri) put their skills to use in Kaizen activities (CIP). This not only leads to products that customers are satisfied with; it also enables our staff to improve their 'human skills' and workplace competence on a daily basis.

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KSK is a 'family'.

We believe that all employees are members of the KSK family. Our regulations have been revised with an emphasis on work-life balance. And we are supporting reforms and improvements to create an even better company where everyone can work safely and with peace of mind.

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